Quotes by Witness Lee

  1. The Facts and Functions of Resurrection

    1. The Fact of Christ’s Resurrection

    2. A Proof of Resurrection

    3. Resurrection as the Vitality of the Gospel

    4. Christ Still a Man after His Resurrection

    5. Christ Being the Firstfruit of Resurrection

    6. Christ Being the Firstborn from among the Dead

    7. Christ’s Resurrection being a Matter of God’s Righteousness

    8. Christ’s Resurrection Swallowing Up and Overcoming Death

    9. Christ’s Resurrection Vindicating His Great Success

    10. Christ’s Entering into Glory through His Resurrection

    11. Christ’s Resurrection Manifesting the Father’s Divine Element

  2. The Deeper Meaning and Intrinsic Significance of Christ’s Resurrection

    1. Resurrection being a Person

    2. Resurrection being a Process

    3. Christ Being Designated to be the Firstborn Son of God

    4. Christ Becoming the Life-Giving Spirit

    5. The Reality of Resurrection

    6. Christ’s Resurrection Compounding the Spirit of God

    7. Regenerating the Believers as the Many Sons of God

    8. Christ’s Resurrection Bringing Forth a New Child

  3. God’s Satisfaction and Our Justification through Christ’s Resurrection

    1. A Proof that God Accepted Christ’s Redemptive Work

    2. Presented to the Father for His Satisfaction

    3. A Proof that God has Justified Us

  4. The Believer’s Experience of Christ’s Resurrection

    1. Enabling Christ to enter into His Believers to be the Indwelling Christ

    2. Christ’s Resurrection for the Imparting of His life into the Believers

    3. Knowing the Power of Christ’s Resurrection

  5. The Goal of Christ’s Resurrection

    1. Christ’s Resurrection bringing forth the New Creation

    2. Christ’s Resurrection Producing the Church, His Body